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BACH Aspen Flower Essence

BACH Aspen Flower Essence


Regular price R 335.00
Regular price Sale price R 335.00
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Aspen Bach Flower Remedy for Fear and Worry Relief

Relieve Fear and Worry with Aspen Bach Flower Remedy

Do you often experience vague unknown fears, night terrors, or worries without reason? These feelings can be haunting and debilitating, making it difficult to go about your daily life. Luckily, the Aspen Bach Flower Remedy can help.

Natural Healing with Bach Flower Remedies

The Aspen Bach Flower Remedy is part of the original Bach Flower Remedies discovered by Dr. Bach in the 1920s and 1930s in England. They are a safe and natural method of healing that restores the balance between mind and body by casting out negative emotions such as fear, worry, hatred, and indecision.

The Power of Bach Flower Groups

Dr. Bach separated the 38 Bach Flower Remedies into seven emotional groups, including the "Face Your Fears" group that Aspen falls under. By asking yourself how you feel and what kind of fear or despair you are experiencing, the Bach Flower groups can help you determine which of the Bach Flower Remedies will help you restore your emotional balance.

How to Take the Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies can be taken in a variety of ways, try some of the following and see which way you prefer.

Straight from the bottle

Each Bach essence is ready to be taken straight from the bottle, simply apply two drops directly to your tongue when required.

Mix with water

You can also add two drops of your selected essence or personal blend into a glass of still water, and sip at intervals throughout the day or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.

Make a personal mix

Bach essences can be mixed to create your own personal combination.

Add 2 drops of each essence (maximum of 7 essences) to a mixing bottle containing still spring water; take 4 drops 4 times a day.

Your personal mix can last between two and three weeks if you keep it in a cool, dry place or in the fridge. However, if you wish to carry your personal mix around with you, add one teaspoon of brandy to the mixing bottle prior to adding the water to help preserve it. Cider vinegar or glycerine can also be substituted for brandy.

Shop our wide range of some of the best vitamins and supplements available in South Africa today for nationwide delivery to your home or office. We stock a full range of supplements for all types of conditions, including immune boosters, stress easers and vitamins that assist us in sleeping well. Keep your family healthy during cold and flu season, or stock up on herbal tinctures and remedies that help to boost your overall health. 

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Aspen Bach Flower Remedy for Fear and Worry Relief

Relieve Fear and Worry with Aspen Bach Flower Remedy

Do you often experience vague unknown fears, night terrors, or worries without reason? These feelings can be haunting and debilitating, making it difficult to go about your daily life. Luckily, the Aspen Bach Flower Remedy can help.

Natural Healing with Bach Flower Remedies

The Aspen Bach Flower Remedy is part of the original Bach Flower Remedies discovered by Dr. Bach in the 1920s and 1930s in England. They are a safe and natural method of healing that restores the balance between mind and body by casting out negative emotions such as fear, worry, hatred, and indecision.

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The Power of Bach Flower Groups

Dr. Bach separated the 38 Bach Flower Remedies into seven emotional groups, including the "Face Your Fears" group that Aspen falls under. By asking yourself how you feel and what kind of fear or despair you are experiencing, the Bach Flower groups can help you determine which of the Bach Flower Remedies will help you restore your emotional balance.

How to Take the Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies can be taken in a variety of ways, try some of the following and see which way you prefer.

Straight from the bottle

Each Bach essence is ready to be taken straight from the bottle, simply apply two drops directly to your tongue when required.

Mix with water

You can also add two drops of your selected essence or personal blend into a glass of still water, and sip at intervals throughout the day or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.

Make a personal mix

Bach essences can be mixed to create your own personal combination.

Add 2 drops of each essence (maximum of 7 essences) to a mixing bottle containing still spring water; take 4 drops 4 times a day.

Your personal mix can last between two and three weeks if you keep it in a cool, dry place or in the fridge. However, if you wish to carry your personal mix around with you, add one teaspoon of brandy to the mixing bottle prior to adding the water to help preserve it. Cider vinegar or glycerine can also be substituted for brandy.

Shop our wide range of some of the best vitamins and supplements available in South Africa today for nationwide delivery to your home or office. We stock a full range of supplements for all types of conditions, including immune boosters, stress easers and vitamins that assist us in sleeping well. Keep your family healthy during cold and flu season, or stock up on herbal tinctures and remedies that help to boost your overall health. 

Shop in our Cavendish Square, Cape Town store or online at 

Contact us at +27 21 674 4380 for excellent customer care and premium service. 

Shop health supplements and products at The Good Stuff online, the healthy alternative. Order your minerals and vitamins from The Good Stuff. 


Delivery Details

Did you know that The Good Stuff delivers nationwide?
- Orders placed before 2pm on weekdays will be processed and dispatched via courier on the same afternoon.
- Delivery nationally within 2 - 5 working days depending on the area.
- Local Cape Town delivery within 1 - 3 working days.
- No deliveries over weekends.
- Courier cost R100
- Free Delivery for orders over R500
We look forward to assisting you to live your best life in South Africa. Order quality vitamins and supplements today.


The Good Stuff's mission is that all information provided on our website is as accurate and up to date as possible; however, no material on this site is intended to substitute professional medical advice on diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or qualified health care provider first. Although we take great care in choosing products that cause no harm to our customers, The Good Stuff accepts no responsibility for any adverse reactions to products purchased. Should you have an existing health condition, please consult with your medical or health care practitioner before starting a supplement regime.

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